Sunday, January 29, 2006

I went for an audition today, flu be damned. Even though I may not be as comfortable on the stage as I used to be, it's still the place I want to be more than anything, and this was an audition I'd been really looking forward to.

I did Blanche's monologue from A Streetcar Named Desire. The first sign I got that my choice might not be quite what I thought it was when a person from the panel said, "Wow" when I told him which piece I'd be doing. Next sign was after I was done, when they very friendly-like gave me a few tips which could help me tackle the piece better. The death knell came when they thanked me for my "courageous" attempt at a very challenging piece. I'm not expecting their call. At least they were really nice about it.

So that was what I did with my flu-ridden day. All 10 minutes of the audition. The rest of my day was spent doing just about nothing except TV, tidying up my room and occasionally listening to my mum grouse.

It's not so much my nose that's giving me problems, but my aching muscles and the strange hyper-sensitivity of my skin that I tend to have when I get a visit from the latest friendly neighbourhood virus. Kelvin and I both probably got the same thing, though poor Kelvin got it worse than me and has a fever while I barely have the sniffles.

It is thus that you find me genuinely sleepy at 1am, which is almost unheard of these days. Even more shockingly, I'd started to get sleepy from just past 9pm! But of course, being the person that I am, by the time I got everything done plus a good lot of dilly-dallying, it's now almost 4 hours later and I'm typing this blog instead of hopping into bed (which is just a figure of speech, since I literally have to climb into my loft bed).

So off I go now to bed...where I'll probably read until I really start to drop off. And then up at 7.30am to start my looooooooong first day of Chinese New Year.

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