Monday, March 17, 2008

Afterglow cut short

OK, I know I've just had a great holiday, albeit a very short one, and I should be thankful for that. But what the hell, I'd like the afterglow of my vacation to last longer than 1 hour, thank you very much.

Instead of, the moment I step in the house, getting hounded and baited by Her Majesty and getting abruptly brushed off by one of my closest friends.

The second Her Majesty sees me after having lovingly stayed up (and left a note on my desk stating her game plan for me to get my friggin confession done this week, after having bugged me about it ALL of last week), she starts telling me how fat I look in my dress (which all 4 of my holiday kaki said I looked good in), and how much smaller my eyes look because I'm more tanned... and then starts pinching the parts she says are fats sticking out of my dress.

And then she gets on my case about the damned penitential service/confession. [For non-Catholics, the church recommends that we say our confession during the period before Good Friday, and the penitential service is sort of a mass confession thingy.]

All the time, she's baiting me as she so often does, to get a fucking reaction out of me. I recognise this quickly, so I shut down and keep quiet. She recognises this quickly too, so she fishes out some fresh bait. Which I'm in no mood for, so she sulks away.

Fresh from that annoyance, I decide to ask in on my close friend - her MSN nick worried me a little that she wasn't feeling too good so I ask her about it. She gave me a one-line reply, and then says a very abrupt goodbye. Couldn't help but feel brushed off, cos this is not how very close friends talk to each other. After 18 years of friendship and after being as good a friend as I could be all this time, a friendly word or two would be nice.


Sigh. I guess the holiday is officially over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still think you look great in that dress...*grin* Holiday's never over with us around!!!!!*hug*
