Monday, October 15, 2018

Some People Lose You

Some people lose you
Not in the middle of the night
Never in the middle of a fight
But when day breaks the last chance
When the heat of the fight
Is nothing left but cold embers

Some people lose you
Flailing in frustration
Tearing and grasping
At the common ground you shared
That no longer exists

Some people lose you
Hanging their head down
Holding the remnants of you-two
The shreds they let slip
Through the grasp they chose to loosen

And then
Some people lose you
In the long silence
They forgot to punctuate
In the assumption
That you’d always be there

Some people lose you
And they don’t notice
The cold spot
Where you once were
The empty space
Where your heart was once a placeholder
The empty seat
They forgot to invite you back into
The now-quiet spot
They forgot to look for you in
The once-reserved place
That you departed
Tired of waiting
To be seen
To meet your gaze
To be reached out for
To brush your hand
To be heard
To answer your last call

Some people lose you
And they don’t notice

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