Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Back from the other side of the Pacific

Back from Santa Cruz on Saturday, and still jet lagged now...which is how I've come to be writing a post before 8am. Just a short note for now, and little something from the trip.

The cloud formation in the picture above was from an imposing front that was passing through, which had brought with it rain and chill those 2 days. I was a lucky witness to its edge passing through at sunset, which produced yellow skies, a double rainbow and unstable, boiling clouds like these. Think I must have taken almost 30 photos in the 20 minutes I was outside, beneath this behemoth. Was pretty awesome, especially since I've only seen clouds that look remotely like these when I saw pictures of tornado-producing systems, but tornadoes extremely rarely occur in California.

Will post the rest of my photos when I have time. And it WILL take some time, as I took more than 400 photos!

[Update: I've since learned that these are mammatus clouds.]

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