Sunday, January 14, 2007

First glimpses

Just got back after a bloody long plane journey in two parts, but at least the trip back was more comfy than the trip there, though it was certainly far sadder.

Here are some of my favourite pics from these two weeks, will probably post more in my Webshots in a couple of days when I'm less out-of-it.

Check out how tall Sean is - he's not even three and a half and he's already almost up to my boobies (this shot was taken from above by his daddy who towers over us at more than 6 ft tall). These days, carrying him is equivalent to advance planning for a chiropractor.

This is one of her earlier pictures, taken just an hour after her birth. I snapped a picture of her on her way out of mummy and more as they were cleaning the vernix off...but I better not gross everyone out with those. See that little booboo above her left brow? She probably scratched herself while still in the womb - her fingernails were already pretty damn long the moment she popped out. She looks so remarkably like Sean did as an infant that we found ourselves accidentily referring to her as "him" now and then.I still can't believe how chubby she is.

This is as wide-eyed as little Caitlyn got at 2 days old. This transluscent and hollow pacifier offers an interesting view of her lips workin' it if you peer into the little hole on the bottom. Her cheek is so soft that I can barely feel it when I stroke it with my fingertip. With fine, light coloured fuzz covering most of her and her perpetually flushed complexion, she really looks like a delicious fuzzy peach.

She didn't stay happy with the needoo for long, though - she knows what REAL mum-mum is and green rubber just doesn't cut it. When mummy can't give titty, daddy's pinkie will just have to do. Her suction powers are quite formidable too. Quoting Tom: "If I had barnacles on my pinkie, they'd be gone by now."
Yes, my fixation with hands. But aren't her tiny digits just so precious??

Wrinkly feet from basting in amniotic fluid for months, but still cute. Those toes are so long! Her fingers are very long too, like her daddy's.
Finally, a shot of the three of us together, shortly before I had to say bye to them. *Sob* Little Cait slept in my arms for 3 hours that afternoon, twitching and mewling and sighing and yawning. Holding her warm against me, she smelt so wonderful.

Sis and I exchanged tearful goodbyes at the hospital. It felt so awful to walking out still waving and craning for a last look, then shutting the door behind me. Sigh. I miss them oodles.

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