Saturday, February 07, 2009

Another meme, from Facebook this time

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1) Am most often seen wearing red, black, or both. And jeans.

2) Sis and I chat very frequently on the phone in the wee hours. We call it "The Bitching Hour".

3) Yes, it's a real mole. Yes, it sticks out. No, there are no hairs sticking out of it.

4) I hardly notice the big scar anymore - the one that's visible when I wear a bikini.

5) Am not good with kids, but turn into a warm, fuzzy puddle around my niece and nephew.

6) I like my lips.

7) Spent my growing years up not good-girl enough for the nerds but too good-girl for the cool kids.

8) Was very religious till my early 20s.

9) Being too straightforward means I sometimes stick my foot in my mouth. Being too dense means I realise it only hours (or years) later.

10) When I have PMS, I'm a non-stop eating machine.

11) When I have PMS, I avoid people more because I can get unpleasant.

12) Am a lot lazier than most people think.

13) I hardly ever buy computer games because I get very, very addicted to them.

14) Am good at jigsaw puzzles.

15) Am told I have OCD tendencies, but I like to think of them as quirks.

16) I own a lot of pretty sleepwear and lingerie that no one sees me in.

17) "Introverted", "beta" and "not representative of mainstream thought" describe my personality best. Am not as adverse to speaking to strangers anymore, though.

18) My family is blessed with youthful looks, so I'll probably look younger than my real age for some time yet.

19) I'm too comfortable with my beloved Y&W friends, so comfy that I sometimes forget to watch what I'm saying in front of the straight male members.

20) I love to sing along to mp3s and YouTube clips late at night, but not in the shower, and never in front of my family.

21) I cry when I watch the serious bits of Ugly Betty.

22) I try not to cry at movies.

23) Still trying to figure out how working in an industry so compact that commands rates so high (commercially, at least) can still pay so little.

24) Am hooked on Kakuro puzzles - I do at least one every night before I sleep.

25) My black feather boa loses a feather every time I put on make up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FB blocked by co. but have sent you 25 random things (some of which you prob already know though)to your e-mail for a sneak peek... *hugs*