Thursday, September 15, 2005

7.37pm, mid-September

Am sitting in the office now, eyes feeling goddarned tired, probably because I'm not used to wearing both mascara and tinted moisturiser for half a day. That, and the confounded airconditioning. Am wearing a black knit top that I thought I looked great in when I first got it, but took a look in the mirror earlier and realised that I look remarkably different in it after a pasta meal.

Bummed a little of my time in the office just now, just very much not in the mood to work. Decided to see if anyone else on the internet remembers how the "When the Jews return to Zion" prophesy got fulfilled in The Omen (1976 horror classic about a freckled kid who turns out to be the devil's son). Googled it, no help anywhere. Am too lazy to watch the entire movie to look out for it. Anyone knows? Anyone? Never mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Prophecy was already fulfilled with the so called "Exodus" after WW2 (about 1950 or something), when Palestina became Israel. Thousands of Jews from all over the world moved back to the country of their ancestors. Think there was a smaller second wave after the 6 days war and the Jom Kippur war. This process of Israel´s children coming back to their "homeland" is what the "Omen" is referring to!