Friday, July 13, 2007


I'll explain the title later.

[I know, two long posts in a row, but this is my last chance at a decent blog posting before The Parents arrive tomorrow (aargh). I won't have as much access to this room (and hence the computer) and will certainly have even less free time to blog and MSN.]

Loved the way the light glowed through the break in the high fog past the hills, reflected on the river.
Adorable enough to be EATEN!
Walked by a resort-side park which overlooks the bay. This view looks north.
Looking south.
Caitlyn turned exactly 6 months old on Monday and had her first meal of solids! Sean hadn't liked his first solids one bit so we were a bit worried about Caitlyn. Boy, were those fears unfounded. She loved it from the first mouthful. Now, she even complains when the spoonfuls don't come fast enough! Like a true Ong (she IS half Ong), she is extremely pleased when she has her grub.
Taking after her mother already - licking the bowl (something my sis likes to do when there's chocolate or yummy sauce left over). Well, actually, she latched onto the bowl! Check out that suction.
As I was feeding her yesterday, she was using a pink bib and wearing a pink outfit. Halfway through, she gave me a great big smile, and I said to her in my talk-to-baby voice, "You look so HAP-PEEE!!" And the next thought that popped uninvited into my head was "And do you know what colour was her bib, Popsie?? PINK!!" That was a YAAAAARRRGGHH moment.

We went wine tasting at Bonny Doon again. I was very pleased to see that the first wine we tasted was called "I, Aurora" (Aurora had always been my online nick before I started using MSN). I love the wine labels at Bonny Doon. I know I've said it before, and I'm saying it again. I LOVE these wine labels!
This middle one in particular caught my eye. It's a new one.
The winding little road that leads to the winery is always lush and pretty.
The Moscow Circus is currently performing free at the Boardwalk. For a free performance, they sure put up some pretty impressive acts, even though one could tell that the wind was a confounding factor for acts like the hanky juggler and a limbo-rocker who was going under a limbo pole that was on fire - that was one SEXY chick who cleared the flaming pole less than a foot from the ground!!

These two kooky brothers were easily the most popular act with their acrobatics and quirky antics.
I just had to take a picture of this drool-a-licious dude. This isn't a very good photo, but he was such a piece of eye candy. His own act involved him wire-walking. Since his acrobatics often had his landing on the wire squarely in his crack, he either wears padded pants, or he has one hell of a butt that I would kill to grab.
Caught sight of this interesting-looking century plant - it's almost two storeys high! And look where it emerges from the base - the towering part of the plant is its flower!
Sean's going to be such a heart breaker.
Venus is a dazzling fixture in the evening sky long before the sun even sets fully. It was in close conjunction with Saturn these few weeks - on 1 July, they appeared the closest they've been in decades. If you saw a star-like object that didn't blink near Venus recently, that would have been Saturn. Too bad my camera resolution isn't enough to capture Saturn well (it's barely a smudge to the right of Venus), but at least I caught Venus against the twilight in this shot.


Anonymous said...

He IS rather yummy...but what's with the Turkish outfit? And those wine bottles are so cool! I'll have to direct my mom to their website. Maybe she can order some for her next wine-and-cheese party.

Unknown said...

Eh, 'cos he's performing with a CIRCUS? But for his own item, he was wearing some sleeveless, monochrome version of a suit, complete with fedora - yummy!

Anonymous said...

And you didn't get any pictures of THAT? Jeez...

Unknown said...

One simple reason why there was no picture of that: it was my turn to hold the baby. Waaaaahhhhhh!!

'stee said...

that nephew of yours is quite a looker...!