Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Be a man!

(click on the image for a larger view)

I was sifting through some old magazines and such and found my mother's old horror comic issue, the sole survivor of a whole stash. She'd told me it was from her girlhood and I never thought to check its published date in all the years I'd had it. It suddenly occurred to me to check it tonight, and it's from only 1974! That's even after my sister was born.

Anyway, I'd always found this advertisement very amusing. It appeared in almost all the DC horror comics in my mum's stash. Beefcake Charles Atlas claims he can "make you a new man" through his book, and see what he came up with to convince you?

Why, you could beat up the dude who kicked sand in your face after reading his wonder body book. In fact, you may win the admiration of swooning broads and other beach-goers after you're done beating up your ex-tormenter. In fact, you could even shape society by helping to perpetuate stereotypical (bad for men) and sexist (bad for women) gender perceptions. Not to mention earning some time in the pen for assault (at least with a body like that, you won't have to worry about dropping the soap). How's that for turning your life around?

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