Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wet wet wet

I guess a lot of people would say the weather has been dismal the past few days, especially yesterday and today when it rained almost non-stop, sometimes heavy enough to render an umbrella almost useless.

But I like it like this. I've always loved cold, wet weather. Decembers and Januarys are hence always lovely times of the year, obnoxious Christmas carols and garish Orchard Road festive decor notwithstanding.

The smell of the rain is always lovely, and the feel of cool air is so refreshing. I like it being cool enough to step out of the house in a sweater and feel cosy. The wind is lovely on my face and I like to take turns breathing in through my nose and through my mouth, enjoying the different ways the moist air stimulates my senses.

Tonight, my room was in near-silence, with the gentle hum of the air-con and the patter of the rain outside to lull and comfort me. I sat in fuzzy PJ pants and a floppy sweater, holding a hot cup of tea (brown rice and green tea), the the warm, nurturing fragrance of the tea making my night just perfect. I realised it was a good day after all. I wished I could have opened the windows, but that would have invited a whole pantheon of bugs to take refuge in my room, so I settled for just listening to the rain.

Nevermind that I got shaken up early for a haircut (and ended up waiting an additional hour for my mum to finish her hair). Nevermind that my pants and sleeves got wet along the way and I was freezing the rest of the afternoon AND very hungry for the longest time. Nevermind that I got stuck in a traffic jam and waited a gawdawful amount of time just for parking on a day that I had work to deal with and didn't want to be X'mas shopping at all (guess who dragged me there?).

Relief came when I was finally home and had dealt with my clients, and was so tired I flopped into bed for a nap, so tired that it took two people three tries to wake me. And then I got a pulsing migraine just as I was leaving for my salsa class.

In spite of all that, sitting alone and comfortable in peaceful silence at the end of the day with a warm drink and the sound of the rain outside, my day was perfect again.

(Slight digression: I remember competing in the inter-hall swim meet during uni days, and it'd always be in January. Hence, you'd see a whole lot of goosepimple-y people in swimsuits hopping about trying to stay warm. The more enterprising ones would crowd into the diving pool while waiting for their turn to compete. I also remember diving into the ~freezing~ pool when it was my turn. Thank goodness adrenalin is a good (temporary) insulator.)

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