Thursday, December 25, 2008

I want to read in Ah-mericah

I don't know what I'm doing up at 7am on Christmas, so I'll just blame jet lag.

Before I forgot, I just HAD to post these two pictures up first before all the other trip photos. Spotted them in Bookshop Santa Cruz.

This is for all my special thespian friends. And no, I found it in neither the drama nor horror departments. Check out the purple tights and the make-Ben-Wong-jealous pecs.

This one is dedicated specially to Candice and Bun Bun.

Just an afterthought after browsing several American bookstores: Why are the audio books sections so huge? In Borders here, audio books take up two sides of one shelf. Over there, I see shelf after shelf after shelf of audio books. Oddly, I hear that the audio books clientèle doesn't comprise entirely of hearing-impaired and elderly people. The hypothesis put forth to me was that there are lazy Americans out there who won't read something if it doesn't come in any form other than just words. My sis tells me about people she knows and/or have worked with that seem to have hardly read a single book after graduating from college or high school, and how they graduated was a mystery.

1 comment:

shouchen said...

I think it has to do with the long commutes, especially californians. Since no one really takes public transport in the Golden State, and a lot of people spend about 1 hour in long traffic jams from home to work, audio books make for good accompaniment.