Monday, October 10, 2005

Eye see you

I realise there's a type of eyes that really has an effect on me. Hint: it's in the eyelids.

This is my left eye.

The type of eyes that strikes me is of those that have eyelids rather like my own - begin single-eyelided but un-taper to double. The more pronounced the un-tapering, the more striking I find them.

I was reminded of that this evening at a wedding as I saw an old acquaintance that I'd always thought rather cute. (I digress: My friend said an odd thing when I told her so. "But your boyfriend looks nothing like him." To which I replied, "Just because I like pretty wallpaper doesn't mean I want to date it." So yeah, I may be attached but I'm not dead, and eye candy remains purely eye candy. Takes more than a face to fire my engine, kiddos.) Cute guy in question has eyes somewhat like that, as does an ex-colleague of mine. I find eyes like that rather unnerving actually, almost like their gaze is more intense, more soulful, more searching, like they're trying to tell you more than their mouths are saying.

I was once in love with a guy with eyes like that. His eyes would haunt me even long after I'd closed my eyes and he'd gone. Each time he looked at me silently, I found myself in the uncomfortable position of being frozen by his gaze and feeling naked before it, almost making me want to break the silence by enquiring aloud, "What are you asking me?"

But that is another story and shall be told another time, if ever.

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