Thursday, March 23, 2006


It's raining outside now in the wee hours, and all is quiet save for the soft rustling of the water making its journey down.

I love rain. Its smell, its comforting rustle, the way the raindrops feel on my outstretched palm. There's little I like better than sitting on the porch of my previous home in Seletar with a book open on my lap while a veil of rain falls all around me and the wind carries its heady scent past me. Walking through a shower, hearing the short pitter patter on my umbrella, feeling tiny splashes on my ankles above my socks, watching the hem of my pants get wet, the feeling of being by myself even while walking through a busy street in the rain.

Even indoors, the rain feels magic. Lying in bed at night, its whispering soothes me and comforts me. I remember the rainy nights sitting on my window ledge in the university hostel, watching the world transform into a Monet painting, or just lying in bed feeling cool and safe.

Just another element of magic and beauty amidst the ugliness of the city.

1 comment:

Alcuin Bramerton said...

We are water beings and we live on a water planet.