Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Looking up

Was walking home from Great World City this evening, happened to look up while waiting at a traffic junction. I saw this lovely sight and decided to snap it. It doesn't look like much in the photo, but it was a nice reward after a long, blazing hot day.

The interesting thing was, there were two other people waiting at the same traffic light, one a young man, the other a middle-aged guy in a business suit, presumably going home from work. They both saw me looking up. The young man ignored me after a moment's examination. The other man stared at me curiously and watched me take out my camera, snap the picture and keep my camera. All the while, it didn't occur to either of them to look up at what I was looking at, even the guy who seemed so interested in my camera wielding.

Doesn't anyone look up? Don't they want to see how shades of white and blue and grey can mingle to form works of living art during the day? Don't they want to take a moment to regard the countless silver and red eyes that wink at them during the night? Don't they want to consider the fact that many of those stars are long dead but we can't tell because their light is still reaching us from across the cosmos?

Makes me think of the scene from The Fisher King when Jeff Bridges' character is climbing up the side of a building while trying to break and enter. He looks down at the oblivious pedestrians below and remarks, "Thank goodness no one looks up in this city."

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