Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Of Mothers' Day and bad timing

My sis told us she's pregnant again, quite appropriately, on Mothers' Day. This will be her second kid, her first being the ever adorable Sean (who turns three in August - and don't we all know he's an alpha Leo).

I'm happy for her, as she'd been trying for a second one before she hits her late thirties, and excited at the prospect of another new, cuddly member of the clan. Well, technically the baby will be a Ginsburg, but is no less of an Ong too.

However, a little part of me is a little disappointed. The timing of everything is just wrong this year. She's due early January, which means I probably can't visit her or can visit her only fleetingly because the Y&W programme would not have ended yet, and I wouldn't be there for the baby's full-month celebration. Again. (I missed Sean's as I was working.) It already sucks that I can't see them this summer but her being very preggers in December means she can't come over for Christmas either as originally planned. I simple HAVE to make up for it right after Y&W ends. That won't be easy at all to fight for...

Went to the Y&W preliminary meeting last week. And was dismayed to find out that the programme would be delayed yet again. Why? Because four others are doing a production! What on earth did I give up my good role for then??

I compared schedules again after that day. Given the number of Saturdays that I now have free because of the delay, I could jolly well have rehearsed my role without much ado! So now, instead of a lead role of a japanese courtesan with lovely solos, I'll now be a diseased, middle-aged whore with a decidedly uncomfortable vocal range which I'll be alternately screeching and bellowing...when I actually am in a scene. Somebody stab me now.

But even after grousing over everything, I still do expect the sacrifices to be well worth it. My life is actually going pretty well now, and, for the first time, I actually feel happy with the life I'm leading. I'm writing (and getting paid for it), I'm performing, I have a wonderful man, am expecting a brand new person in the family, have great friends, have enough free time, have a healthy baby (my IBM) - what's not to like? And now I'm at the brink of Y&W, which I'm really excited about in spite of its unfortunate timing. I'll keep telling myself: at the end of it, it'll be worth it and more. It better be.

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