Thursday, September 06, 2007


Spotted this while on the bus on the way to location. I was actually checking out the way the cloud's outline was glowing when I noticed the iridescence, managed to get a decent shot without trees in the way. I've never seen iridescence so clearly and so persistently before, so this was a treat.

Was toting around my camera (OK, I know I tote it around everywhere anyway) hoping to take a few pics with the cast of the shoot, especially since, by some coincidence or simply because Singapore is so small, I was cast with 1) an acquaintance, 2) another acquaintance's girlfriend, 3) someone choreographing a show my friends are in, and 4) the lead whom I just found out also knows at least one of my friends. Didn't manage to take any pics with the others, though, as everyone scooted off at the end of a long week. Got just one.

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