Monday, June 18, 2007

The duck has landed

Touched down past 7pm (Pacific Time) yesterday (was still 16 June over here in Santa Cruz, CA) after a long, tiring flight - travelling with kids ain't a ball of fun, no matter how cute they are. Plus, though the service on SQ was great, the trigger-happy captain kept turning on the seatbelt sign "because of turbulence" - even though these were barely even bumps - and we had to keep taking Caitlyn out of the bassinet, thus disturbing her slumber goodness knows how many times and rendering both my sister and I completely sleepless. And since both of us were having our periods and lacking sleep, we were knackered and grouchy by the end. Immigration queue wasn't too long. Yay. HOWEVER, our baggage took bloody forever to emerge, all seven of them (only one of which was mine). After that, it took a long time to figure out how to stuff all that baggage plus the stroller into my sis's car. When we got home, the phone rang 2 minutes later. With no surprise, it was The Dowager, who sounded suitably unhappy that we hadn't picked up her earlier calls - all 14 of them - and had assumed we'd stopped to buy things before heading home. WTF.

Managed to watch two movies on the flight, though. "La Mome" (aka "La Vie En Rose") was an extremely depressing but inspiring bio of Edith Piaf, with an outstanding performance by Marion Cotillard as Piaf - she doesn't make us love nor pity Piaf by playing up her endearing or tragic sides, but she puts such brash truth into her role that you can't help but feel for the rawness of the character. The scene where Piaf had her first performance in a music hall almost moved me to tears - not because it was sad, but it reminded me of why I love the stage and where I want to be. "Closer" was a very, very ugly, tangled love story, but I liked it lots - found it well-performed and cleverly written as far as characters and character interaction were concerned.

I MISS EVERYONE!! Especially the Y&Wers. I hate that I had to leave before the run ended and am having serious withdrawal now. Am also missing everyone else that I'm close to in Singapore. And elsewhere (but I wish I didn't).

The weather here is wonderful. Just shy of perfect, given that it's slightly chilly, but it's still early in the summer. Loads of sunshine and cool wind.

I stepped out of the car last night when we got back from the airport and, while dragging the bags towards the front door, I looked up, and the sight that greeted me made me stop and smile before I even knew I was doing it. A familiar blanket of stars filled the sky with silver, and seeing them made me feel like I was being greeted by old friends.

Every bit of spare time, my mind is filled with so many thoughts. My mind just won't shut up, and I can't even blame it on PMS anymore now. Memories, mostly recent ones, keep coming back up. I'm confused about several things. I'm afraid that certain things that I had made assumptions about had gone further along than I'd thought. (E.g. the "rebound-ish" thing mentioned in an earlier post - I think it's something else, which I really dread if it truly is so.) Like a habit that needs to be kicked, I have to detox myself of them, hopefully during the time I'm spending here. Some things are no good for me, even if they started out good.


kaeon said...

have a great summer trip! :)

Anonymous said...

I MISS YOU!!! :-(

This break will be good for you though. It'll give you some time to take stock of all that's happened, to regroup and reorganize.

For me, YNW has become the sun around which my world revolves, but ever since we closed NDR, I've been trying to keep my distance. At least for a while. As Ghaz so succinctly put it, you guys are addictive. So for fear of suffering an overdose, I've decided to "detox" as well. And I've no doubt that as a result, it'll be so much better the next time we all see each other.