Friday, March 16, 2007


Wow, today's actually been a good day. Maybe it's the endorphins talking from my gym session, but I went most of the day feeling fairly good.

I ate grapes for supper, having eaten only one meal during the entire day.

They reminded me of something. He once told me grapes were his favourite fruit, and he liked to put them (green ones) in the freezer and eat them frozen. This was in our first year when he was in Sydney.

Less than a year later, he'd forgotten that grapes were his favourite fruit at all. When I brought it up when he was eating grapes at my house, he gave me a puzzled look.

"Satellite" was his favourite song too at the beginning. Then, again, he forgot he ever told me it was his favourite song. This was after months and months of me listening to it almost every day, feeling that little bit closer to him each time I did, especially in those agonising months we were thousands of miles apart.

I think the time came some while ago when he forgot that I was once his favourite person and soulmate.

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