Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My week with Caitlyn

Chubby, cheery little (ok, not so little) Caitlyn is folds of fun. A little girl through and through, even her little baby noises sound girly. She got a sunny treat at the SICC pool the other day - her first bikini!Meanwhile, my sis obviously hadn't considered the logistics of an oversized beach ball when she bought it. Like, how much blowing one has to do to inflate it fully.
Sigh...the Yee Yee (i.e. me) had to finish the job. Was positively hyperventilated by the time I was done. I was wearing my favourite bikini, but of course you wouldn't be able to see that here.
Sis's 35th birthday! Which, in our grand family tradition, was celebrated with lots of eating. Think I caught a perfect moment with the two of them blowing out the candles while the baby watches her bro in wonderment.
The fam.
The lighting was perfect for capturing her bright smile while in her car seat.
All smiles morphed into high-decibel unhappiness while she was getting baptised at the cathedral on Wednesday.
The architecture of the church isn't one of its strong points, but the large, old pipe organ is.
What I do love about the cathedral are the 14 beautiful art pieces for the Stations of the Cross.
The hot afternoon sun finally lulled Caitlyn into a grumpy snooze, effectively transferring her baptismal oil onto her Yee Yee's chest. And yes, she's as heavy as she looks.
Good thing she doesn't have a twin or she'd be one kind of a bed hog. Kev, if the red soft toy looks familiar, that's probably because it looks like a junior relative of my big pink pig.


Unknown said...

I meant the beach ball here in this post. I like beach balls and this one is particularly hard to find. I was wondering do u still have it and if so do u still want it?

Unknown said...

Sorry, it's been a really long time, we don't have it anymore.

Unknown said...

Gave it away or probably just threw it out due to wear and tear eh? Never mind thanks for the info anyway. However in the rare chance that you do find it can u pls let me know? Thx. Also was this post set in USA or Singapore?